
Department was originated at the same time as University of Agriculture and forestry engineering was established as a Department of Veterinary disciplines. The activities of the department at present are oriented to the regions of hygiene of animal breeding, health, reproduction and diseases prevention of animals. The basic courses they are teaching at the department are physiology of animal reproduction, hygiene and animal disease prevention. Among the courses they create a profile of department belongs parturition, ins emination, biotechnology of reproduction, prevention of fertility disorders, immunology, toxicology, endocrinology et all. These courses make at once overbases of zootechnical branch of study and specialisation for pregraduate and postgraduate students. Scientific and research activity of the department is oriented to the determination of the quality production of animals and prevention fertility disorders, they could appear by activity of noncommon infections agens. Department has many years collaboration with breeding organisations, breeding service organisation, state veterinary service and more research institutions as at home as abroad, what is appeared before all in common salving research problems and organising scientific and professional activities for transfer of knowledge.

Teaching subject:




Credits Hour/term
Reproduction of Farm Animal Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D

Lacková D., Ph.D.

6,0 60
Hygiene of farm animals Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D

 Brezina B., M.S.

4,5 45
Diseases prevention of farm animals Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D


4,5 45
Obstetrics of farm animals Krajňák P., Asist. Prof., Ph.D. Krajňák P., Asist. Prof., Ph.D. 4,5 45
Insemination of farm animals Krajňák P., Asist. Prof. Ph.D. Krajňák P., Asist. Prof., Ph.D. 4,5 45
Biotechnology of animal reproduction     3,0 30
Prevention of animal sterility   . 4,5 45
Breeding and diseases dogs and cats Lacková D., Ph.D. Lacková D., Ph.D. 3,0 30
Endocrinology Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D   4,5 45
Immunology     4,5 45
Toxicology Krajňák P., Asist. Prof. Ph.D. Krajňák P., Asist. Prof. Ph.D. 4,5 45
Basic of diseases prevention and hygiene of FA Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D

Brezina B., Ph.D.

6,0 60
Basic of farm animals reproduction Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D Šťastný P., Prof., Ph.D

Lacková D., Ph.D.

4,5 45